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 Англійський тезаурус
cpd скор.
абрев. compounded
абрев., тех. cycle per day
хім. compound
cpd. скор.
полім. compound
CPD скор.
абрев. Certified Powerbuilder Developer; Collaborative Product Design; Continual Professional Development; Carolina Power and Light Company; Centralized Physician Database; Centre of Plant Diversity; Charlotte Police Department; Citrate Phosphate Dextrose; Civilian Personnel Directorate; Committee on the Present Danger; Common Picture Display; comprehensive programme of disarmament; Conference Of Professional Development; Congressional Presentation Document; Contact Potential Differences; Contract and Purchase Department; Convex Polyhedron Decomposition; Coober Pedy, South Australia, Australia; Continuing Personal Development (Johnny Bravo)
абрев., IT certified PowerBuilder developer (Bricker); Clarion Professional Developer; concurrent product development
абрев., автомат. cumulative percentage deviation
абрев., авіац. collaborative product development; continuing product development; concurrent production definition; crew procedures division; curve path distance; cutoff and pierce die
абрев., бізн. carriage paid
абрев., біот. Cumulative Population Doubling (paseal)
абрев., вогнетр. Construction Products Directive (annasav)
абрев., військ. combat plans division; capabilities production document; NATO Committee on Public Diplomacy
абрев., військ., авіац. central procurement division
абрев., ек. charterer pays dues
абрев., ел. calls per day; central pulse distributor; charge pipette device; chromatic position difference; clock pulse driver; command processor and distributor; communication processing definitions; composite profile dispersion parameter; computer peripheral device; spherically concave controlled porosity dispenser (cathode emitter surface); contact-potential difference
абрев., ел.тех. contact potential difference
абрев., зв’яз. copolarisation discrimination
абрев., землезн. chlorination plus dechlorination
абрев., ЗМІ Cleveland Plain Dealer
абрев., косм. charge priming device; concurrent product definition
абрев., мед. Cephalo-pelvic Disproportion; Childhood Or Congenital Polycystic Disease; Chronic Protein Deprivation; Contagious Pustular Dermatitis; Continuing Professional Development; cephalopelvic disproportion; continuous professional development; cooperative programmes for development
абрев., мол.біол. cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer (Min$draV)
абрев., мор. Charterers Pay Dues
абрев., наук.-досл. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Development (BabaikaFromPechka)
абрев., нафт. cadmium pentamethylene dithiocarbamate; charter pays dues; circuit protection device; cloud point detector; coaxial power divider; computer produced drawing; cost per day; crude processing deal; cumulative probability distribution; cumulative probability of detection; cyclopentadiene
абрев., нафт.газ., сахал. conductivity, pressure, and depth (profiler)
абрев., опт. charge-primed device
абрев., осв., науков. Continuous Professional Development
абрев., рекл. cost per duration (Zirilla)
абрев., розшир.ф. Complaints Desk Script file; Fax Cover document
абрев., стом. clinical probing depth (MichaelBurov); probing depth (MichaelBurov); PD (MichaelBurov)
абрев., торг. Capability Production Document
абрев., фізіол. chronic peritoneal dialysis (Игорь_2006); CephaloPelvic Disproportion; Cerebral Palsy Disability
абрев., хім. critical point drying
абрев., ЦП Commissioner of Public Debt
біохім. Carboxypeptidase
військ. center for professional development; central postal directory; civilian personnel division; combat potential display; communications processor and display; consolidated programming document
тех. chaff packs dispenser; charge-priming device; command processor distributor; condensate pump discharge
фізіол., мед. Cephalopelvic Disproportion